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  • September 12, 2018 2 min read

    While production is wrapping up, I've been doing a lot of prep work for distribution. But being a parent/entrepreneur is exhausting if you don't take any downtime for reading. So, I wanted to share with you all a few things I've been reading and listening to. They are on a bunch of topics. Some are related to Jackalo, some to parenting, feminism and more.

    Here's what's on my list for this month:

    • What it looks like when major fashion brands focus on re-use. If you've been following Jackalo, you know that we accept all of our used clothes back. This article in the Washington Post highlights Eileen Fisher and their renew program, which was a major inspiration for our decision to incorporate reuse and resale into our model.
    • Why I dress my daughter in "boy's" clothes.  Ok, I don't have a daughter, but if I did, I totally would. When I started Jackalo, I knew that I'd focus on unisex clothes as so many parents of girls struggle to find clothes that stand up to their daredevil girls. (Hey man, we like to climb trees too.) This recent NYTimes article has been making the rounds in online parent groups with good reason.
    • Listen to your bodies (and docs-listen to us!) This book is not "on topic" for Jackalo, but as a woman and someone who has been quite open about my history of multiple health issues, I highly recommend reading Ask Me About My Uterus (and doctors out there should read it too.) Abby Norman (yes, she addresses the fact that her name sounds like it is out of Young Frankenstein) tells of her struggles with endometriosis. As she tells her own intense tale, she connects the dots back to the history of doctors diagnosing women with "hysteria" rather than trying to understand the female reproductive organs or really listening to lived experience of disease. In the book she relates the story of famed comedian Gilda Radnor's struggle with her health and ultimate relief when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, after years of doctors not listening to her concern that something was wrong. The book is both gripping and informative. Pro-tip for busy parents who can't stay awake when reading: I listened to this on Audible. It is read by the author and she's fabulous. I finished it embarrassingly quickly.
    • Playing Big. I'm a big believer in play, but play isn't all about kids. This book by Tara Mohr is a must-read for women and anyone who feels their inner critic pulling them back from taking greater risks. This is another great book to listen to, though I wish I had a hard copy to refer back to.

    If you like this type of post let me know. I've been thinking about doing another post about my 2018 reading list by women, people of color, and other marginalized groups. Hit me up if you want my recs!

    Here's to finding balance with work and play.



    Photo by Hitoshi Suzuki on Unsplash